Monday, February 27, 2012

breakers boxes and wire

After 5 years of running my wood shop on two really heavy gauge extention cords approx. 50ft long each I am now going to install a breaker box and hard wire my shop to its own seperate 30amp service . I'm hoping thats enough to not be blowing breakers all the time. I sure am getting tired of having to run back and forth from the house to the shop every time it blows one. Everything in my shop operates on 110 so I'm thinking at this point that should be all I need. I will shoot some pics on my progress as I go ,but really what can be entertaining about wires hanging out of a wall. While this process is taking place I'm am still in clean-up mode as well as dust extraction installation. I really don't know what to do next........Rick

Friday, February 24, 2012

Dust don't spoil

I normally have every Friday off but since monday was a holiday which I had off now I'm working today to replace the day.. I'm not sure I understand the lodgic in that But, There are a lot of people out there smarter than me. With everything else that I have to do over the short weekend I doubt I will gain much clean up in my shop. It.s 4:15 A.M. right now I,m just getting ready to go to work and I won't be done untill approx. 4: 30 P.M.  I suppose I could take a short nap and then work tonight but you know thats not gonna happen I'm just not that driven. Besides dust don't spoil I might just put all that aside and nail some wood together this weekend if I get the time. I am the Master of my own destiny.Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

nothing done

   Well here it is Feb. 20 , Presidents day and I have less done now than I did a week ago. I have this ability to avoid doing the things that I should do and doing the things that I don't need to do . Anyone else with that talent ?. How will I ever know no one is reading this blog anyway. I can pretty much say or do anything I want on here and not be haunted by its content at a later date.. I do so hope to get some more clean up done this coming weekend but, I am faced with a short weekend and lots of other things to do. I have been batteling a cold for the past few days so I will use that as my excuse. Yea Yea Thats the ticket..............Rick

Sunday, February 12, 2012


It turned off cold the past couple of days not brutel cold but cold enough. my hands don't function as well as they use too . So my work in my shop has been a little sporatic because I'm a huge sissy and can't take the cold I am sorry. I have no heat in my shop so when its 32 degrees out side iy's just as cold on the inside. I have been cleaning and throwing things out mostly wood scraps I just have to force myself to do that You know I might need that 3 in. sq. peice of 3/4 plywood sometime.   I am also working on installing a dust extraction system at the same time and am having to buy the supplies one or two pieces at a time. Just let me say being on a very tight budget is no fun................Rick 

Friday, February 10, 2012

See I told you it was dirty

See I told you all my shop is an absolute mess. I have saw dust on my saw dust  I have started a complete shop make over and it might take me some time to do it all. but I promise it will be clean when I am done. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

chime stand

The drummer in the church band had a set of chimes he needed a stand for but at the price $ 100. plus he could not afford one so I built this one. Its fully extendable and I guess if he wants he could attach other things to it . I did not put a finish on it I'm going to let him............................Rick
Well it's early Friday morning and I have very little I need to get done right at the moment. I will be working for the next few days on a dedicated dust removal system in my shop. the biggest part of the job will be clean up of course. those of you that have read my postings know that I have a perpetual mess in my shop. I like to say that I never met a pile of sawdust that just didn't love and need to keep. It will take some getting use to having a some what clean area to work I won't know how to act. I will try to keep up with the pics so I can post them as I go. I will be starting later today with my first post[ keep you're fingers crossed] untill then good by.......................