Sunday, April 29, 2012

Happy Birthday

    Tomorrow 4/30/12 will be my 60th. Birthday I haven't a clue how I lived this long or what happened to all the time between 20 & 60 . seems like yesterday I was struggling to loose my virginity and today I 'm wondering why I don't sex very often and why isn't it important anymore. I'd rather sleep whats that tell you about me.Seems like all I do is work, work wood in my shop and sleep. I have no time for the petty things. I am just kidding you know about the petty things It is not petty just not as important as it use to be.............................Rick

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's 3:45 a.m. Wed. the 25th. Boy was it a short night or what ? A lot of my problem is when I wake up thats it I can't just roll over and go back to sleep.  Almost instantly I start thinking about all the wonderful things I need to do today  while secretly knowing all along that I won't get hardly any of them done. I'm not a terribly busy person You see I'm just lazy. I'm not sure lazy is the proper word now that I put it in print,I'm more like disorganised and flighty. I'll start to do something and the first thing you know I'm off on another tangent. I have spent the better part of the last 5 years trying to clean up my work shop, I'm starting to realise that it's never going to happen, but clean is a subjective thing clean to one person is a mess to another I know I've never been able to clean anything to my wife's satisfaction and frankly I have given up thats her cross to bare..... But really what I wanted to talk about was.........  No No just kidding . I would like to hear if anyone else who might be suffering from my affliction and what they might do to overcome It. Maybe we can use this forum as kindof a group therapy. Write about anything that concerns You and we can all dicuss it together..........Looking foward to hearing from you................................Rick

Friday, April 20, 2012

Gas Shut off valve

               Today I didn't do any wood working  instead I put a new gas shut off valve in me 1929 Model A Ford . It's been needing one for several years now , well long enough for the gas to ruin the floor mat so I had to replace that also. It felt good to work on a car for a change but I don't want to do it very often. Tomorrow back to the toy chest I've been working on...................Rick

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Toy Chest Pt.#3

             Today I rounded all the edges of the toy box and removed part of each leg to accept the bottom. I want the bottom to be flush . Later I will put some strips of wood on the inside to attach the bottom too .Thanks for looking.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Toy Chest update

    Just a quick update to the toy chest I have been building for my 5 year old Grandaughter I have now assembled all the sides and put the top on. After the assembly is complete I will cut the top off and install the hinges. The last pic is my 5year old Grand daughter...................Rick

Friday, April 6, 2012

Toy box

        I just started building a toy box for my 5 year old Grand Daughter Nothing remarkable about the construction . all 4 sides will be birch plywood and it will 4 corner post milled from reclaimed oak . These peices came ( I think) from some old pallets they were 50" long 3& 3/4 " wide and an inch and half thick. . All 4 panels will set in dados in the corner parts. I have decided not to put any type of legs on the box since my grand daughter is such a monkey she'd probably break them off climbing on it.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

15000 woodworking plans

   I have been on the net for the past few minutes watching Steve Ramsey on Wood Working for Mere Mortals. I f you have never been there you need to check it out . Steve makes wood working videos for the comman man and he keeps the humor up also I have seen him do really simple 15 minute projects and as much as 2  or 3 weeks on one project. He's not all high and mighty about his craft he is just an ordinary guy who loves what he do'es He turns out videos every Friday and some times more I look forward to seeing each and everyone of them. Right now he's doing a series on the guy that sells the D.V.D. with 1500 wood working plans on it . You should at least go follow that if nothing else Its important that we ( woodworkers) as a community stick together and try to put a stop to this kinda Crap..............Anyway check him out   @ Wood Working for Mere Mortals. com................................

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


  Yesturday was absolutly beautiful!!!! One of those days that makes you remember why you life in Oregon. The sun was out and it 69degrees I had to wear my sunglasses. Today however we are back in the rain everything is wet and muddy the rivers are back on the rise and its cold again. One of those days that reminds why you don't like living in Oregon. Well all I can say is if you don't like this weather wait 5 minutes......Starting a new project after I get off work tonight I will post pics as soon as I have any...............................Rick

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Time off

    Yesterday  was a complete wash for me I did absolutely nothing In my shop. I've had the past week off of my regular job and have worked in my shop every day since I have been off. While I don't consider wood working work ( its play time for me) I felt I needed a day to just kick around so that's what I did.I'll start a new project Today or Monday I haven't decided yet........................Rick