Saturday, November 20, 2010

Christmas craft show

Haven't been doing much in my shop the past couple of weeks other than helping my wife get ready for her annual craft show. She builds things all year long and then turns our house into a small store and invites people to come and look and possibly buy it's how she makes her Christmas money. Yesterday was the 1st. day [11-19-10] It will be going on till sunday night [11-21-10 ] till 6 o-clock If any one is close to our neck of the woods feel free to stop by and take a look........These pics are only a small sample of her crafts She has far too many items to puy pictures of all of them. She also takes special orders if you would like her to make something for you.    thanks for looking

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I 've heard for years the true sign of insanity is to do the same thing over and over expecting differant results. I think the state of Oregon is collectivly insane. Oregon is in the top five of the nation in unemployment Some where in the top ten as far as taxes being leveid on it's citizens And a state government that is asleep at the wheel. So this past tues what do we the proud people of Oregon do we recycled all our demecrats and added a few new ones . With an unemployment rate of almost 15 % I would say the dems policies arent working. Just my opinion but we as a state sure are stupid. I hope everyone who lives here with me enjoys the next few years I think you 're going to see a lot of changes and not many for the good..................................Rick